Saturday, June 27, 2009

Poetry corner

From a son to his father

To a mother I was borne,

Of great love and care,

Giving me life and the world,

Demiurgic and nurturing,

I saw the calm moon through her……

Of strength and kindness,

Great zest and compassion,

Hiding your trials and tribulations,

Sleepless nights you went through,

Hardships you overcame,

All for us, my dear father,

The magnificent sun in my world………..

Now I wait studying the path you took,

The blood and sweat you shed,

The cycle renews,

As I wait for my own son to be born……….

Holding him for the first time,

I am overcome with joy and love,

Understanding how much you loved me,

Because that love nurtured me,

Molded me in to who I am today,

To be a good father……..

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